Radio medical optegnelse

Radio Medical Optegnelsen (RMO) udgives i elektronisk version til download.

Du skal anvende RMO ved skriftlig kontakt til Radio Medical Danmark.

Læs om hvornår du skal kontakte Radio Medical Danmark, og hvordan du udfylder dokumentet i denne vejledning (på engelsk).

Vejledning - Radio medical optegnelse (engelsk)

Electronic version of the Radio Medical Records

Radio Medical Records are kept on:

  • Any examination
  • Any medical treatment
  • Any distribution of medicaments
  • Any prescription from Radio Medical
  • The cases described in the Medical bookAuthorized by the Danish Maritime Authority

Radio Medical records are kept in accordance with the following guidelines

Fill out the first page of the record (First contact) then call or e-mail Radio Medical Denmark

Radio Medical will then ask for further information and examination. Radio Medical will refer to the list of questions in the medical book authorized by the Danish Maritime Authority.

The second part of the record (Continued Records) is used for continued observations, prescriptions and other observations of the patient´s condition.

The third part of the record (Observation form) is used for continued observations such as blood pressure, pulse, saturation, etc.

The forth part gives the Medical examiner the possibility to “mark” on photo or drawings in case of injury or pain. It will give Radio Medical a more precise indicator on the human body.

The fifth part is a table for measuring the fluid balance.

Radio Medical

The treatment of ill and injured persons should be provided in collaboration with Radio Medical. Contact Radio Medical at an early stage in case of illness. The service Radio Medical provides is free of charge. Telecommunication via VHF, HF and MF are also free of charge, while the ship (the ship owner) covers the expenses for telecommunication via INMARSAT.

Radio Medical offers 24 – hour service. It is therefore always possible to contact a doctor. When possible, please consult Radio Medical for advice on non-acute cases between 08.00 – 14.00 UTC.

In cases of illness and accidents on board a ship, there must be a close collaboration between the doctors at Radio Medical and the medical examiner on board.

The action required is as follows:

  1. The medical examiner will independently provide life-saving first-aid in case of a suddenlife-threatening condition
  2. The medical examiner will keep Radio Medical records
  3. The doctor at Radio Medical will be informed of the records content.
  4. The doctor will make a diagnose; provide advice on the treatment and on a possibleevacuation.
  5. The medical examiner will provide the treatment recommended.
  6. In concert with Radio Medical, it will be decided how often Radio Medical must be inconsulted in case of illness and when the patient is considered healthy.

You can use Radio Medical for advice on all medical questions, and all questions of this character are welcome. This includes if a doctor at a foreign port has given advice on the state of a crew members health and you are unsure of the doctor’s advice. You can (and should) use Radio Medical as a sort of “practicing emergency service”.

In case of illness or injuries it can be difficult to assess at what point Radio Medical should be contacted. Some minor symptoms or incidents are easy to determine: Seasickness, a minor headache or a small wound will unlikely require medical advice. On the other hand, cases that may seem trivial, such as frontal sinusitis, can be more severe than one might think.

Radio Medical should be contacted for advice on the following conditions

  • Any abnormal state of mind
  • Any abnormal state that effects consciousness, respiration, pulse or blood pressure
  • Fever illness where the temperature is >39 degree Celsius
  • Fever illness that lasts more than 2-3 days and nights
  • Any condition that cause pain in chest- or stomach region
  • Before administering medicine if the User Instruction and Inventory of the medicine chestare labled “Consult Radio Medical”.
  • Before the following procedures:
  • The injection of medicine and fluids, the suture of wounds, treatment of fractures andlarger wounds and emptying of the urine bladder.
  • If you have any questions or concerns.

Radio Medical Denmark

Radio Medical Denmark is organized at Sydvestjysk Hospital in Esbjerg. The calls will be answered by specialists connected with the hospital, who in turn are on duty for 24 hours.

Phone calls or fax to Radio Medical are made directly to a mobile communicator, e-mail via the hospitals mail server. It is also possible to contact Lyngby Radio, which will forward the call to Radio Medical.

In case of a patient evacuation, contact Radio Medical or the marine rescue centre (Joint Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre or JMRCC).

Radio Medical Denmark

Direct line: +45 75 45 67 66

Direct fax: +45 75 45 67 50

E- mail:

Postal address:

Radio Medical Danmark

Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg

Finsensgade 35

DK 6700 Esbjerg


Efter download gemmes RMO-originalen.

Den udfyldte RMO vedhæftes en mail til Radio Medical evt. sammen med billede.

Den udfyldte RMO skal gemmes i 1 år på skibet.

Senest opdateret 04-02-2021


Center for det Maritime Sundhedsvæsen
Vestervejen 1 - 6720 Nordby, Fanø
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